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WidgetThreddsConfig Class Reference

Thredds config widget in the THREDDS Config Editor tab. More...

#include <widgetthreddsconfig.h>

Inheritance diagram for WidgetThreddsConfig:
Collaboration diagram for WidgetThreddsConfig:

Public Member Functions

 WidgetThreddsConfig (QWidget *parent, const QString *threddsCatalogLocation)
void BuildTable ()
 Constructs the UI table.

Private Slots

void on_tableWidget_cellChanged (int row, int column)
void on_pushButtonAddDataset_clicked ()
 Add dataset button callback.
void on_pushButtonRemoveDataset_clicked ()
 Remove dataset button callback.
void on_pushButtonShowLogs_clicked ()
 Show THREDDS logs button callback: opens the log explorer.
void on_pushButtonBrowseTHREDDSDir_clicked ()
 Browse THREDDS directory button callback: opens the THREDDS content directory in the system's file explorer.

Private Member Functions

void checkCatalogsPath ()
 Ensures the THREDDS catalog path is valid. Creates correct path if non-exisent.
NODISCARD bool validateDatasetName (const QString &datasetName)
 Validates a given datasetName against illegal characters.
void createRow (const QString &datasetName, const QString &dataPath)
 Appends a row to the table widget given a datasetName and datapath.

Private Attributes

Ui::WidgetThreddsConfig * m_ui {nullptr}
 Pointer to UI widgets.
const QString *const m_catalogLocation {nullptr}
 Ptr to THREDDS catalog location in user settings.

Detailed Description

Thredds config widget in the THREDDS Config Editor tab.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: