Navigator2Go  2.0
Manage your local Ocean Navigator installation.
MainWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MainWindow:
Collaboration diagram for MainWindow:

Public Member Functions

 MainWindow (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void showProgressBar (const char *labelText)
 Show the progress bar and label with the given labelText. Starts at 0%.
void updateProgressBar (const int value)
 Updates the progress bar percent value. Value is a percentage from 0 to 100.
void hideProgressBar ()
 Hide progress bar and label.

Private Slots

void refreshRequestHandler ()
void showStatusBarMessageHandler (const char *message)
void on_actionAbout_Qt_triggered ()
 About Qt menu item.
void on_actionClose_triggered ()
 Program close.
void on_actionPreferences_triggered ()
 Preferences menu item.
void on_actionAbout_triggered ()
 About menu item.
void on_actionCheck_for_Updates_triggered ()
 Update check menu item.
void on_actionNavigator2Go_Manual_triggered ()
 Open Navigator2Go manual menu item.
void on_pushButtonLaunchViewer_clicked ()
 Launch web viewer button.
void on_pushButtonOpenDataOrder_clicked ()
 Data order button.
void on_pushButtonImportNCFiles_clicked ()
 Import NetCDF files button.
void on_pushButtonViewLocalData_clicked ()
 View local data button.
void on_actionClear_Python_cache_triggered ()
 Clear Python cache menu item.
void on_pushButtonRefresh_clicked ()
 Refresh Navigator2Go button.
void on_tabWidget_currentChanged (int index)
 Fires when the current tab changes.
void on_actionReport_Issue_triggered ()

Private Member Functions

void showStatusBarMessage (const char *text) const
 Display a message in the window's status bar.
void checkRemoteConnection ()
 Queries the RemoteURL in m_prefs for a connection.
void updateTHREDDSConfigTable ()
 Instructs m_widgetThreddsConfig to rebuild the THREDDS table widgets.
void initWidgets ()
 Initialize widgets for each tab.
void setInitialLayout ()
 Sets initial layout of program on start.
void checkForUpdates ()
 Calls both update functions for convenience.
void checkForAppUpdate ()
 Checks for updates for Navigator2Go.
void checkForONUpdates ()
 Updates Ocean Navigator code from git and rebuilds necessary code.
void showFirstRunConfiguration ()
 Show first run configuration dialog before main window pops up.

Private Attributes

Ui::MainWindow * m_ui {nullptr}
 Pointer to UI widgets.
ServerManager m_serverManager {this}
 Server manager to handle gunicorn and THREDDS servers.
QPointer< WidgetLocalDatam_widgetLocalData
 Local data tab.
QPointer< WidgetConfigEditorm_widgetConfigEditor
 Dataset config tab (advanced mode)
QPointer< WidgetDataOrderm_widgetDataOrder
 Data order tab.
QPointer< WidgetThreddsConfigm_widgetThreddsConfig
 THREDDS config tab (advanced mode)
QPointer< QNetworkReply > m_updateReply
 Pointer to update response.
Preferences m_prefs {this}
 Serializes user settings.
QTimer m_uplinkTimer {this}
 Timer to check for a remote navigator connection every 5 minutes.
bool m_hasRemoteUplink {true}
 Does this client have a connection to the remote Navigator server.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: